Understanding Real Needs
Use evidence of needs to justify resources (investments, time, money).
Data Story Format
"We are seeking and gathering data from ___[our community]__via [survey/dataset]__ so that we understand the real needs and can ask for ____[resources]____ to accomplish ___[goal]_____."
Possible Use
Community Technology Needs: We are seeking and gathering data from our community via a technology survey so that we understand the real needs and can ask for funding for technology upgrades, digital resources, and staff training in technologies that people in our community need.
Real Story Examples
Providing broadband for neighborhoods. https://www.libraryjournal.com/story/publiclibraries/closer-to-home-libraries-providing-home-broadband
Distributing gun locks at the library https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2023/10/distributing-gun-locks-at-the-library/
Library seed collections. https://publiclibrariesonline.org/2023/04/sowing-seeds-for-community-impact/
Data Visualization Recommendations
General Guidance
Justification: Consider using a bar chart, donut chart, or line chart to show the emergence of the new or previously invisible need over time. In general, line charts are the best choice for indicating change over time.