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Serving Real Needs

non-user survey.png

Demonstrate that services are successfully meeting needs.

Data Story Format

"We have gathered and analyzed data from ___[our community]___ showing that we have succcessfully met our community's real needs. We are ready to showcase our __[achievement(s)] ____in serving those needs."

Possible Use

We have analyzed results from a patron survey and have changed our investments in technology. We are ready to showcase the new computer workstations, laptops, and other equipment ready for checkout.

Real Story Examples

Libraries respond to user survey results with technology improvements.

Elgin library exhibit shows that when it comes to the environment and road/sidewalk salt, less is more

Data Visualization Recommendations

General Guidance

Achievement: Consider using multiple line charts to indicate differences (before and after) because needs were met, or use a bar chart to indicate the impact of increasingly serving needs over time. or this could be represented by a separate line chart. In general, line charts are the best choice for indicating change over time.

Data Visualization Samples

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